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Lok Ka Cheung

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, UK

Title: Congenital nasal dermoid cysts: Comprehensive review and management guidelines proposal


Biography: Lok Ka Cheung



Nasal dermoid cysts are rare congenital cysts presenting in 1 per 20,000 to 40,000 births. The pathophysiology and anatomy of nasal dermoid cysts are well described. However, there is no agreed standard approach for the management of nasal dermoid cysts in the United Kingdom. To address this, we conducted a systematic review and provide a management algorithm.



A systematic review of nasal dermoid cyst presentation, investigation, management and cosmetic outcomes was performed using the search engines PubMed, EMBASE and Medline.



A total of 75 citations were reviewed, yielding 35 articles which discussed the presentation, investigation, management and cosmetic outcome of nasal dermoid cysts. 13 were case series and 22 were case reports. The most frequent presenting complaint was nasal swelling. Imaging modalities included magnetic resonance imaging, MRI and/or computed tomography, CT for the majority of cases. Most cases had no intracranial extension and the majority were repaired through dorsal midline nasal incision. Those with intracranial extension underwent intracranial, subcranial or endoscopic resection.

























A clear approach to the surgical resection of nasal dermoid cysts is unclear. Both MRI and CT have indications in the preoperative assessment and surgical planning. We have developed an algorithm which aims to clarify the management pathway in nasal dermoid cysts.